ICx is a rapidly deployable situational Awareness tool that organizes every emergency scene
Utilizing a digital command board, tactical worksheet and accountability tool ensures the ability to access more information quicker than traditional methods. Our intuitive design combines modern technology with a traditional tactical worksheet feel.
ICx Features
Clean and Intuitive Design
We mention this first as we feel it is the most important feature we offer. Emulating the ease of a traditional tactical worksheet, ICx is the simplest to learn product on the market for command and control of emergency incidents. Give it a try and you will agree that it has the shortest on-boarding learning curve of all like products on the market.
Incident Log
ICx keeps track of all assignments, benchmarks, and notes that the incident commander makes. All entries include a time/date stamp and are exportable to PDF for reporting.
Using the export will make the narrative of NFIRS reports the most thorough accounting of the incident.
Incident Timers
ICx boasts several useful timers for the incident commander. The incident timer keeps track of the total operating time at the incident. Additionally, each resource is timed when they are given an assignment, or when they enter the IDLH.
Each resource assignment is also shown in a history view complete with times, allowing the IC to manage time in assignments and rehab.
PAR Tool
Personnel Accountability Reports (PARs) or Roll Calls are a necessity for the involved IC during key times like strategy change, or following a MAYDAY. This tool allows the IC to perform a quick PAR check, and records the completeness in the incident log.
Mayday Tool
ICx provides a configurable checklist for the IC to reference during the event of a firefighter emergency, or MAYDAY. It is end-user configurable to reflect the best practices and policies of the individual department.
Once indicated on the command board, the MAYDAY automatically triggers a scene snapshot referencing the assignment/location of all personnel and resources on the fireground at the time of the MAYDAY.
CAD Compatible
ICx can be configured to work with most CAD systems. The CAD interface will automatically enter dispatch information such as scene address and responding resources. The auto-population of resources makes it quicker to begin tracking them on the digital command board.
Schedule Integration
ICx will link with our FireRoster scheduling system, as well as most other third party fire department scheduling programs. The interface populates individual personnel assigned to responding units, giving the IC a better accountability tool. With mutual aid schedule integration, the IC will have the information they need about resources from other agencies.
ICx Web (Chief’s View)
A web portal allows department members to pull up a view only version of the tactical worksheet from a remote location to see what assignments are being tracked, what benchmarks are handled, and any other information that is valuable.
“ICx: Incident Command x, a Windows based incident command, control and accountability program was evaluated by the Supporting Technology Evaluation Project (STEP).”
“Following evaluation, it was determined that ICx is consistent with all NIMS criteria; Hazards, Preparedness, Communications and Information Management; Resource Management; Command and Management. ICx also applies to 12 Minimum Product Requirements.”
*excerpt from report executive summary, full report available to view.
take your fireground accountability to the next level
Accountability isn’t Optional
We built this solution to save firefighters. Firefighter safety is enhanced with an organized command post providing up to the minute firefighter accountability
ICx is designed around the tactical worksheet
If you have filled out a tactical worksheet before, picking up ICx will be a snap. Drag-and-Drop is easier than writing.

We Are So Proud of This
“Most of the Incident Management software programs I’ve seen are okay, but this one is absolutely incredible! Well done guys! I am positive that there are LODD’s that would have never happened if the IC was using this. Battalion 3 Technologies batt3.com @BATT3TECH“
Owner Five Alarm Leadership